Uruguay national football team

Short name:
The Sky Blue

Uruguay or the official name Eastern Republic of Uruguay It is located in the southern part of South America. It borders Brazil to the north. to the west of the Uruguay River to the mouth of the Rio de la Plata River in the southwest. with the territory of Argentina on the other side and reach the South Atlantic Ocean southeast About half of the country's population lives in the capital and the largest city is Montevideo


Uruguay national football team Representing the football team from Uruguay Under the supervision of the Football Association, Uruguay has won two World Cups, including hosting the first World Cup in the 1930 World Cup host country. Won the Argentina national football team in the final 4-2. The second win at the 1950 World Cup. Defeated host country Brazil 2-1.

The Uruguay national team also won gold medals at the Olympics twice, in 1924 and 1928, before the World Cup. He also won the Mundialito, a competition between former World Cup champions, held in 1980 in Uruguay to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the World Cup. Uruguay is considered one of the most successful national teams. Over 18 official wins

With a population of less than 4 million, Uruguay is the smallest country to win a World Cup. in the symbol of the Uruguay national team There will be a total of 4 stars, although it has been a World Cup champion only 2 times, but the other 2 means that the men's Olympic gold medals have been won twice, the 1924 Olympics and the 1928 Olympics, which can be considered as world champion Because it was a match before the World Cup took place.


Number of World Cup Qualifiers

12 World Cup finalists


World Cup results

1930 - Winner

1950 - Winner

1954 - 4th place in the semifinals

1962 - First round

1966 - Qualified for the quarterfinals

1970 - 4th place in the semifinals

1974 - Finalist

1986 - Qualified for the last 16

1990 - Qualified for the last 16

2002 - Finalist

2010 - 4th place in the semifinals

2018 - Finalist of 32 teams

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